Studies of light-induced greening in sweet potato roots

Greening in sweet potato roots

17:00 - 18:30
Institut für Biologie
[0032EG0008] Hörsaal HS 32.01, Holteigasse 6, Erdgeschoß

Larissa Teuschler (Graz): The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a herbaceous vine from the Convolvulaceae family. It is only very distantly related to the common potato Solanum tuberosum and therefore shows some highly interesting differences. Sweet potato is one of the most important staple foods in tropical and subtropical areas, but also in Austria it is becoming more and more important. Due to the increasing popularity, research of this plant is highly relevant, as it still harbors many un-answered questions.

After the discovery of chloroplasts in stored tubers, the conversion process from amyloplasts to chloroplasts was to be examined in more detail. For this purpose, both light microscopy (bright field and fluorescence microscopy) and electron microscopy were used in combination with in-vitro tissue culture, hydroponic cultivation and continuous imaging.

Additionally, further research topics like in-vitro propagation of virus-free sweet potato plants from callus tissue and the analysis of acrylamide in sweet potato fries are briefly introduced.