Rethinking European uneven development: COVID-19 and beyond


08:30 - 17:00
SR 11.07 (Heinrichstraße 36, EG)
Anmeldung bis 18.11.2021, 18:00

With the outbreak of the pandemic, the question of European uneven development, governance structures and policy-making has come once again to the forefront of public debates. It has become clear that the post-crisis European governance structures have only partially succeeded to address and resolve the problem of uneven development. What is more, in the last years the diverging socio-economic trends in Europe have acquired important geopolitical dimensions and rising contestations.

This workshop seeks to advance new conceptual and methodological horizons to study uneven, multi-scalar and multi-territorial pathways of contemporary social transformations, at the European level and beyond. To what extent has the pandemic brought out new, original social phenomena; which social dynamics already occurring before the outbreak of COVID-19 have been intensified and made more visible and which remained rather inoperative or are disappearing? These are the guiding questions of our multidisciplinary debate.

Detailed programme