Lake evolution and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in deglaciating mountains

From regional insights to global contexts - Geographisches Kolloquium Mag.Adam Emmer, PHD

18:00 - 19:00
Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung
Heinrichstraße 36, 8010 Graz, HS 11.03

Accelerated glacier retreat leads to the formation of glacial lakes in mountain regions across the globe. Building on research done in the Tropical Andes, High Mountain Asia and Austrian Alps, this work helps to understand the relationship between the evolution of different generations and types of glacial lakes and patterns of GLOF occurrence in space and time. By integrating the analysis of remotely sensed imageries, documentary data sources and field data, special attention is paid to understanding the dynamics and drivers of GLOFs in rapidly changing environments, ultimately aiming on anticipation of future events and enhanced GLOF hazard management.